Santa Muerte
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Devoción por la
Santa Muerte
Barrio de Tepito, Mexico City

Thousands of faithful gather each year on October 31 to celebrate the first public display of an image of Santa Muerte back in 2011 in the popular Tepito neighborhood in the historic center of Mexico City.
Rejected by the official mexican Church, the cult of Santa Muerte had remained until then hidden in small family and private altars.

Eventhough the origins of the cult are unclear (it might be pre-hispanic) the image of the holy death is worshiped with catholic prays. Respects and gifts are offered to her and asked for commisions in a long line of worshipers that lasts after midnight.
A group of mariachis plays "las Mañanitas" (Mexican birthday song) while other women serve "Mole" to the crowd. There is a Rosary in the afternoon, everyone is involved, images of Santa Muerte rise to heaven in a hypnotic ceremony of choirs, prayers, perfumes and cannabis

«Gloriosa Santísima Muerte,
mi niña blanca poderosa,
fiel amiga y compañera de camino
en quien confiamos en todos los momentos
de nuestra dura y difícil existencia,
y a quien todos tendremos la dicha
de verte el último día de nuestra vida».